Shaoxing Ming’s Fate

Hearing her pouting, Jiang Ming sighed softly. He could feel himself getting a headache if he was to allow her to continue ranting off. 

"Alright, Qi Shan, that's enough." Jiang Ming said. "I don't care what you did previously, but can you hand over Shaoxing Ming to me? I've still got a debt to repay him."

Qi Shan clicked her tongue.

What can she do now? She was caught red-handed, so she had no other choice but to kick Shaoxing Ming toward him. 

Shaoxing Ming made a grunting sound as he woke up from the pain. His eyes opened slowly and his complexion soon changed.

"Jiang Ming, you bastard!" He screamed in fury. Alas, he was unable to move a single inch since Qi Shan had effectively crippled all his limbs, rendering him immovable. 

"Well hello, my dear cousin. Did you enjoy the torture adventure that my lovely assistant gave you?" Jiang Ming asked kindly, flashing a gentle smile.