Exchange Moves

Yang Liqin's suggestion of exchanging a few moves came as a shock for Gao Fushou.

He couldn't understand how the Huo Clan managed to earn such a favor from Yang Liqin. 

The Huo Clan wasn't influential enough to have others desperately trying to curry favor with them. In fact, their Gao Clan could be considered equal or even a bit more influential than the Huo Clan. 

'Damn it, we spent so much time tracking down this Huo Ning to steal the artifacts in her spatial ring. Why did this mysterious expert have to intervene?' Gao Fushou cursed silently. 

His original objective could be considered void with the appearance of Yang Liqin, especially when she had clearly stated her position. 

"So how about it, Gao Fushou?" Yang Liqin asked calmly. 

"Since fellow cultivator Yiqin wants to exchange moves, then so be it." Gao Fushou cupped his fist in response and stepped forward.