
"What...is this place?" That was his first thought while waking up to the infinite white space around him. 'Wasn't I just jerking off? The hell happened..?' He held his head as a sharp pain came back to him followed by a memory.

It had showed him watching porn, going up and down with his hands. Just as he was about to reach his climax, something metal and ball shaped burst through his wall, leaving him with a darkened concious then waking up here.

'That was...a recking ball, wasn't it? At that much speed,..I definitely would have died..' He came to the conclusion that he was dead which didn't honestly sadden him.

'I've been a bum since I dropped out of high school. Maybe death was the best option for me. I have tried suicide multiple times to be fair.

Guess this was my time to really go though..' He sighed deeply then looked to his right. There he had saw a man in a prayer position smiling endlessly while looking in his direction. 'White robe, white beard, white eye brows and a halo.


"Tis I, God. W-Wait, what?! You figured it out..?" He stared at the self proclaimed God who had groaned like he was constipated. "Uhm, yes? Well, you really just confirmed it for me actually.." God prostrated back up and clasped his hands together once again.

"Anways, welcome to the gates of heaven. Putting it bluntly, you deserve to be in the deepest and darkest parts of hell. But because I lost a bet with a certain devil, you'll be reincarnated.

Oh how I hate reincarnators. Always chosing broken powers and becoming stronger than me.."

God muttered the last part of what he had said but the teenager didn't care. "Reincarnation, huh? Do I get 3 wishes or something? Awesome.." God scoffed then put up a single finger. "Hell no. One wish is what you get. This isn't some fan fiction.."

"Eh? I guess...that's fine.." And like that, he started thinking long and hard. 'Why the hell is the kid so calm? Do people not appreciate me anymore? Maybe I'll release the dungeon update on earth. They'll start praying to me again after that..' While God was plotting, the kid was in thought.

'One wish,...what should I ask for? A harem? Nah, I could probably get that with power, meaning I'll have both power and women. Wait, I know what I can wish for. I did always think his power was overlooked and underrated.'

Fake coughing to grab God's attention, the kid had said, "Molecule Man. I want his powers. Is that...fine?" God went into deep thought for a split second then nodded.

"Sure, why not? I've given people 3 wishes before and they asked for way more complicated things. Your request is simple and to the point in terms of a reincarnator. I like it.."

Snapping his fingers, a portal had appeared. "Where..am I being reincarnated again? Is it like those stories where I'll go into animes or movies?"

"Precisely. I myself chose at random, so I don't know where you'll go until you actually get there. Good luck, kid. And please, try to do better in life, a.k.a , get some women in your life. You don't have to be lonely when you can have women upon women jerking you off. Do you understand me?"

"What? You..ain't God, are you?" God only shrugged while pushing him into the portal. "The God you mortals know is only an image. In reality, I'm selfish, lazy and perverted. I barely stand you guys as you always want forgiveness even if you had just murdered someone. Its honestly.."

He stopped there as the kid wasn't even paying attention anymore. "Oh well, just have fun. This is a second chance at life after all. Live it how you want to.." The kid nodded and like that, he walked through the portal which had disappeared behind him.

'Truth be told, Kid, there was no deal. I just saw how miserable you were. This is all I could do within my power though. Hope you enjoy it..' God smiled as his figure slowly disappeared.
