As they walked through the door, Yuri had been their prostrating on the ground. "Welcome home, Ari. I knew something like this wouldn't affect you.." Standing up, she opened her arms and Ari walked into them. They hugged while Orion had walked passed.
"Yeah, it's good to be home. And guess what? I'm retired now.." Yuri tried to act surprise, but she already knew about Orion's plan and assumed she'd accept something of this sort. "Good, Ari. Good. I'd hate to see you work yourself to death..."
Yuri had hugged her tighter while heaving a sigh of relief. 'You...saved me back then, Ari. I still haven't repayed you yet for what you did..' Something that Orion hadn't knew was that these two actually knew each other from way back when.
Ari had saved Yuri and since then, Yuri had the mindset that she owed Ari her life. Ari laughed all of that off and just said to work for her and to help her son. She agreed and the two came up with a fake story.
That story was the one they told Orion who still to very day had believed. He didn't know they were close like this, but had knew they were atleast friends. "Should I cook dinner now? I know everyone's hungry.."
Ari was the one to pull away from the hug. Yuri had nodded and the two started walking. 'I think...that Orion also thinks I like her in a romantic way. She's my hero and I admire her that's all.
Being close to your hero like this even after all these years couldn't help but make me fluster when memories came back..'
They arrived in the living room/kitchen which housed Orion on the couch, watching a science program. He found excitment in watching famous math matachians and science matchians work out equations.
Becuase while they struggled at solving the hardest questions known to man, Orion had already figured it out. Little known fact about Orion.
His was little over 500. When he was young, he was messing around with his powers and accidentally altered his brain by allowing him to use around 20 percent of it.
For plot however, this feat is irrelevant as he'll act 'idiotic' to be normal. Ahem, back to the actual story. "Orion, dear. What can mommy cook for you?" Like an excited puppy, he quickly turned over and said, "Hot dogs with chili, please!"
Yuri and Ari had satisfyingly sighed with Ari nodding and Yuri coming over to sit next to him. As she sat down next to him, she loosened the tie on her businesswoman like suit she always wore around. "You did a good thing, young master. That's rare, you know..?"
Getting comfortable, she wrapped her arm around him, pushing him in so that he got hit by her sideboob. "Thank you for what you did today. It means a lot to me.." Orion had put his hand up and groped her breast. Yuri sighed, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
"I'd say I didn't do it for you, but I can't even lie, I thought about you too. I didn't want you to see your friend overwork herself like that after all. A-Anyways, I didn't do it for any other reason! It's not like I wanted a reward from you.."
A joke obviously as he did do that for Ari's sake. That being said though, Yuri puffed out smoke with a sigh then said, "Fine...but you better not tell your mother! You hear me..?" Orion stopped groping her and looked at her in confusion.
Yuri looked over the couch, saw that Ari wasn't looking then looked back at Orion. 'What the hell is she about to do..?' And like that, she started undoing the buttons on her suits. 'No..way..' His mouth had formed a perfect circle as she started stripping herself.
"You get until dinners ready to feel them up. Make it count, young master.." She winked, placing her suit next to her. Her underwear was comprised of black lingerie. Her two peaks which weren't as big but still stuck out were bouncing around.
"F-Feel?! Really?! Man, you joking with me, right?" She only allowed him to either watch or feel her breast from outside her clothes. He could never touch them like this. Even when they bathed together, she was always alert, hitting him even if he only glanced at them.
"Keep it down, young master. We can't have your mother finding out.." She undid her bra and they bounced around even more. His junk had also shot up and Yuri noticed it, giggling at how it just slowly appeared in his pants. "Y-Yes..! I'll keep quite.."
She laid down on the couch and had spread her legs. Seeing her in such a state made him feel victorious. So victorious in fact that he started sweating and gulping. 'Uh, imma be honest and say that I thought I'd never go this far with either of them. I'm a virgin for christ sake. Do I just..?'
He ducked down and slithered onto her. His bulge would trickle over her stomach which tickled her, reddening her cheeks. "Yuri.." He put his hands on her breast, resulting in hiccup. Yuri had giggled which made him feel embarrassed.
"D-Don't laugh at me... I'm trying my best.." Her breast had fit perfectly in his hands. Her pink tips had gone through the gap between his fingers. "I know, I know. Just thought you'd be a bit better for some reason.." She tried hiding her rosy cheeks, but Orion had already saw past that facade.
'So this is how Yuri feels, huh? Compared to mom's, her seems more...rough? Soft but rought..' Looking down, one could see that Yuri was quite fit, managing to have a six pack. 'Some dudes hate girls more fit than them. Not me. Y'all stay safe though...'
"Y-Young master,...I uh,...I hope they're to your liking.." As she said that, he had planted his face between them. ' warm..' He sighed, realizing that he was becoming tired out of no where. 'No... Don't fall...asleep..' Yuri had slowly been feeling excited, but had soon stopped as,
"Did he just...fall asleep? Am I really not that good enough for you?" She 'tsked' putting the cigarette up to her mouth and blowing smoke onto the top of his head. 'Guess he couldn't handle it. He was slowly arousing me though. I'll give him that..'
Ari had then came over and looked at the scene in front of her. "Oh my... Thank you for being a bed for him, Ari. He's stayed up for 6 days straight for me. He deserves his rest..." Seeing her with her breast popped out and Orion sleeping on them didn't really bother her.
She just wished it was herself who would have nursed him back to health like he had did her.
"Uh, problem, Ari? I don't mind doing things for the little guy once every while.." Yuri rubbed on his back, kissing the top of his head in the same motion.
"We raised a good kid, huh, Ari?" Yuri smiled while bending down and pinching his cheeks. "Yes, we did, didn't we? We gave him everything he ever wanted, never forced him into anything and let him be himself. Nothing...can take away that happiness he has inside himself.
Nothing.." Yuri agreed with her as they began admiring him. And like that, the night had slowly began to pass. Ari finished cooking, only to put the food up for a later time. She had then took Orion to his room, stripped him down into some pajamas then placed him in his bed.
'Good night, my baby boy..' She kissed his forehead, turning a lamp off and walking out of his room. In his sleep, Orion had smiled as he felt sudden warmth and love.
'If only...this feeling could last..forever..'