Why We Goin' So Fucking Fast-

With only one week left, the happy atmosphere the villa had produced dwindled. 'Gah dayum. Like someone died up in here..' Orion thought while eating eggs.

'Am I the only one who isn't sad? Like, we knew this time would come for a long, long time. Guess I was the only one who got used to it..'

He eyed both Yuri and Ari, watching them as they ate breakfast with a moped expression. "H-Hey, guys, why don't we...go on a date today? Just the threw of us like old times..?"

He tried cheering them up, but it had instead saddened them even more, shown by Yuri's hands shaking.

"Huh? Yuri, what's..wrong..?" He tried reaching for her hand, but she had quickly pulled it away, getting up and turning her back towards him, saying, "Young master.... Not now. Please excuse me.." She started walking off, leaving Orion to stare.

'I didn't know...it was this serious..' He put his fork down and was going to get up out of his chair to go after her, but was stopped by Ari as she said, "Leave her, Orion. She...needs time on her own right now. Can you...grant that wish for her..?"

Orion stopped himself, looking at his mother. Seeing her with her head so low and her voice so quiet made Orion sort of sad himself. "Of course, mom. Of course..."

He came back into his chair and started eating once again, deciding to say no more to not cause any more tension.

Walking slowly down a hall throughout the villa, Yuri had head down with an arm on the right wall. 'Young master...' It was then when her very first conversation with Orion revisited her mind. Yuri had gotten out of a car and examined him.

"Mom! She has a big butt! Can we keep her?!"

Orion cutely said, holding Ari's hand and pointing with the other. 'Wha-? Did a kid really just say that..?' Yuri had though while looking at the peculiar child. He looked so normal, sort of frail in fact, but she could tell that he...he wasn't normal at all.

Not only did he have a sly smile, there was also a small print in his dinosaur onesie.

"Why, of course you can, Orion. She'll take care of you when mommy can't, okay?" Orion cheered at that, letting go and running circles around Yuri, saying things like, "Todays the best day ever!" or "I can't wait to marry her!"

Ari had giggled at such a sight while Yuri did something Ari rarely seen out of her. She saw Yuri with a smile, one that resembles a parent looking at their newborn child.

"Orion, was it?" He had stopped running and stood in front of her. Bending down, she had placed her hand on his head.

"Nice to meet you. My name is, Yuri. I hope we'll get along from here on out..." She kissed his forehead, leaving some red lipstick on it.

Orion was love struck from her actions, even going as far as drooling. "Y-Yeah..." He said flat out, making both Ari and Yuri laugh.

'He grew up...so much~..' She sniffled, remembering all the times they had together. Comparing her past before meeting him and her past after had made her realize that Orion was a core memory in her life.

It wasn't until now, the moment before he left for a good amount of time, had she noticed that Orion completed her. He made her happy, feel loved like no other person has done before, over all completing her.

'I didn't even....I didn't even realize how much he meant to me...until our last moments~... Why did I have to...why didn't I..?' She hated herself for being so slow. Orion always appreciated her, even going as far as offering to make her young again and to start life back over.

'He helped me...become a better character than I've ever imagined. Young Master,....Orion...' She stopped, laid down again the wall, putting her head down towards her crotch.

'Please don't...leave me all alone~...'


As Orion had been packing his bags, Ari had come up from behind and hugged him. "My baby boy... How you've grown up so much.." She kissed the top of his head, Orion bringing her hand up and kissing the back of it.

"Mom... You're here. And you're back to normal.." She smiled, turning him around and holding both sides of his face. "Yes, I'm sorry for acting like that in front of you. I kept on remembering that you were gonna leave me which saddened mommy.."

She kissed him on the lips then had brought him into a hug. It was passionate as they each held each other tightly. "Mom, I... Please don't be sad. You don't look beautiful when crying.." She did everything to hold her tears in up until that point.

Pouring down from her face and onto his, tears had fallen. She kept up her smile though which made Orion's heart ache a bit. "I-I thought I accepted our situation~... I guess mommy...was wrong.." Her voice cracked followed by louder sniffling.

"O-Orion, dear,....d-did mommy raise you correctly. Was I...a good parent..?"

"Absolutely! You are an amazing parent, mom! Even better than..."

He had responded quickly, but stopped to not reveal something secret. Ari took his words to heart, wiping her tears away and kissing him on the forehead.

"Thank you,...Orion. You mean...so much to me, you just don't know. Grow up to be an amazing person, okay? Live, love and laugh. Always remember those words, dear.."

They were words that her parents once told her. She wasn't able to do all 3. She did indeed live, she did indeed laugh, she didn't start to love until Orion came along though.

She had someone who loved her deeply more than anyone else ever had. A bestfriend, someone who was there for her in her darkest hours.

"Yes..." He said in a low voice, beginning to feel the effect of the emotion being brought onto him. "I'll always remember them. And always remember this as well, mom. I'll always love you. You are the most precious thing in the world to me. I hope...you know that.."

"And you, Orion, is mommy's hope and joy. I'm glad...that God gave me such a wonderful child.." She embraced him even more, this time however, she could see and feel something wet. "Orion...?"

Looking at him now, you could see tears pouring down his face, visibly cringing from how much he wanted to hold back from doing so.

Being praised by the person you love and look up to the most followed by hidden emotions building up and spewing out had made him...cry. His tears would hit her breast and be absored in the gap between, only to fall down onto the floor.

"I love you so much, Ari. I really do.." Not only as a mother, but as a women as well. He didn't care that he called her by her actuall name as he thought it would only show and convey his feelings even more to her.

"Oh, Orion.." She cupped his face, beginning to wipe his tears away with a small smile. "You're too old to be crying. You're gonna be a hero, alright? You have to show others that you can smile.." He had slightly nodded, forming a forced smile on his face while trying to stop his tears.

"That's better, Orion dear. Seeing that smile of yours already calmed me down, see...?" Soon after, he started packing his bags again, only for him to be finished 5 minutes later.

"Mom...? You're not...seeing me off?" He asked, holding two suitcases and looking back at her, tilting his head with a confused expression.

"There's no need to get emotional again, Orion. All I can say now is, I love you and good luck. Mommy believes you'll be the best hero the worlds ever seen. You are you, after all.." She left him with a head pat and a soft laugh. "Thanks,...mom. I promise not to disappoint you!"

He understood that goodbyes could be hard and so, he didn't pursue further. Instead, he turned around, gave her a big smooch on the lips, leaving her with a reddened yet composed face. "Goodbye, mom! When we meet again, let's make a kid together, okay?"

He wasn't ashamed that those words were going to be known as his final words to her. It happened to make her smile, leaving her to be even happier now than sad.

'Let's meet again soon then, Orion..' She slyly thought as he closed the door.

Making his way throughout the villa, he finally came outside, only to see Yuri leaning on a yellow and black camaro, looking out into the distance.

"Young Master... Were you crying..?" She looked towards him with a grin, Orion simply brushing the comment off and walking over towards her.

"Yuri. You're as beautiful as the day I met you, you know? Big boobed, big butt, you were my dream girl back then.." He started putting his stuff into the trunk with a minor sigh. "Hm? What do you mean, 'were'? Am I not anymore for some reason?"

"Nah, you still are. Just wanted to see your reaction that's all..." He closed the trunk and had finally stood in front of her. She was a little taller than him still, so it was like they were the shota and young woman pair all over again.

"Listen, Young Master. We've been through a lot together, just me and you. Seeing you leave now,...its made me heartbroken. I never admitted it before, but I really do love you with all my heart..."

Kneeling down, she had started fixing his clothes up, shaking a bit as she had been trying to control her emotions.

"Become a great hero, okay? Become one, have all the fame and women you want, be free is all I'm saying. Don't be shackled down by others and live how you wanna live.." It was then that she gave him a wholesome smile.

She showed her pearly white teeth, closing her eyes and tilting her head. "Y-Yeah, you got it, Aunt Yuri. You can count on me...to become a hero worthy of your liking. I won't fail you.." She nodded, hugging around his waist, planting her head into his crotch.

'And you better put this to work as well. Come back to me with some experience, alright?' Orion was seen with red cheeks as she kept rubbing her face with his pants. She soon stood back up, placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned in, only to give him a kiss on the lips.

Her tounge had overpowered his quite easily, almost dropping him to his knees but being held up by Yuri. "Mhm.." She undid her lips from his, leaving a trail of saliva behind. "Yep, you're definitely ready for the real word, Young Master. Just don't forget who your first was.."

She winked at the dazed Orion who just nodded subconsciously. Seeing this, she knew it was time to head off. Lingering here any longer will just show him a side she didn't want for him to see and so, she decided to walk away.

'Yes, I'll never forget. You were...the first woman I loved sexually. How could I..?' And like that, he got into the Camaro, showing a small smile on his face. Upon getting in, he saw Arthur in the passenger side, sleeping away with his mouth slightly opened.

'Guess bro gonna sleep the entire time...' Sighing, the car started up. 'What am I gonna do about his massive erection tho? Damn you, Aunt Yuri...' They slowly started driving, Yuri and Ari watching from the porch as they were.

"14 years of nothing but love. It was...refreshing.." Ari commented while sitting down on the stairs with a small pout. "It was, wasn't it. A guy has never been so interested in me before. It was honestly nice being perused like that, especially by a little charmer such as Orion.."

She sat down next to her as well. "You think he'll be mad that we didn't give him a chance? I'm sort of regretting it now myself to be honest.." Ari shook her head, saying, "I'm sort of regretting it, too. I hate the idea that another woman who isn't one of us will experience him first...

But that's fine by me. Becuase I know Orion and I know that when we'll meet again, he'll never wanna leave.." She herself of course knew of Orion's lust for her. She knew how much he valued her and so she bassically knew her self worth in his eyes.

"J-Jeez, Ari... Will you save some of him for me atleast..?" Yuri asked worriedly, also wanting some of him for herself. "Don't worry, Yuri..." She giggled, looking up into the sky.

"He wouldn't leave without having a taste of you as well..."


(An: Imma go ahead and say this now...I'm not good at expressing emotion amongst characters.

Also, it does feel rushed, huh? I'm just tryna get to the good stuff before...)