It Just Disturbed Him.

Arthur and the two women got inside a limousine. "So, Arthur..." Fiona said, crossing her legs, allowing Arthur to get a glimpse of her red panties. This made him gulp which in turn caused the two women to giggle.

"You seem like a pretty sweet boy. What brings you down here to Miami?"

"Ah, uhm...was it that obvious that I'm not from around here?" He laughed awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head. 'Aw hands are getting sweaty..' When he got overly nervous, his quirk starts to act up.

He'd be hot one second and cold the next. It wasn't something he could control, meaning it had been a sort of permanent drawback. "You have the aura of a spoiled little boy. I assume you're taking the entrance exam for that prestigious school tomorrow?"

"Y-Yes, that's correct! Me and my friend are actually taking it together. We wanna be heroes and stuff.." They had looked at each other upon hearing he had a friend, but shrugged it off as Arthur was enough in their taste.

"Oh, we see. You want to be a hero, huh? That's cute, kid.." The limousine had then started driving off as Erica began pouring a glass of wine. "M-May I ask were we are going..?" He came this far in their kidnapping and was only now slightly worried.

"You're in the city of fun and love, Arthur. You seem stressed, so allow your sisters to give you a good time, okay?" They got up, sitting next to him and placing their hands on his lap. "Y-Yes!"

He said while being embarrassed, his 'sisters' only laughing and teasing him even more. 'This will be the best night of my life!' Arthur thought, getting as comforting as wrapping his arms around them.

The woman liked how he took initiative as so, they allowed him to continue this bold move of his. He himself hadn't expected women he just met 5 minutes ago to be this comfortable with him, not knowing of their true intentions.

And that have his kids.


Orion had been at the beach. It was night time, and he had been alone, sweating and without a shirt on. "100,000,...100,001.." He said, going up and down on the pull up bars. He came to the conclusion that Arthur was hanging out with some people and so he didn't want to bother him.

'I was just getting some last minute exercise in. I wanna be at my peak tommorow after all...' He hopped off the bars and landed in the sand. 'If I could describe my base stats, meaning how strong I am without my quirk, I'd say I'm stronger than that one dude who could one punch anything supposedly.

It's a shame Yuri had to find out the hard way of how strong I am physically..' As he though that, he had saw someone in the distance being attacked by two people. 'Gah dayum. 11 at night and people really out here robbing folks. Tragic .'

As Orion psyched himself up to help them, he noticed something. The two people were encased in sand and were struggling to get out of it. 'With that much pressure...'

The person getting jumped had their hand out which was open. As the people encased in the sand kept struggling, sand entering their mouth and noses, they had bawled their fist, the sounds of bones snapping with red paste flying into the air had sounded out in Orion's ears.

They died on the spot.

'Yeah, you know what? Can't be too much a hero, can I? They had it comin' to be honest..' Orion thought while trying to hide how fearful he was. He was holding his breath as he began treading backwards.

The person seem to catch a glimpse of Orion before he darted off. 'This isn't good..' They had thought, the blood on their clothes turning into sand and falling down. They themselves then started walking away, disappearing into a small sand storm.

Now hiding-, I mean, chilling inside of his lambo, he heaved a sigh of relief. 'Good... They didn't follow me..' He thanked God before putting his seatbelt on, the lambo beginning to drive away on it's own. 'I've...never seen someone kill a person before. Sent a chill down my spine..'

The way they just turned into red liquid and spewed on that persons face. It just disturbed him a bit that's all. 'Diffrence between the slime dude and the two guys jumping that person was that the slime dude actually deserved death.

The two people who were robbing that person were not only first time criminals,..but quirkless as well! 'Messed with the wrong Floridian, I guess. I'd put you in the reincarnation cycle if I had permission to do so..' And like that, he decided to spend the rest of the night just driving around.

While he was, Arthur had been out at a club partying, spitting game while he was at it. His awkwardness only charmed women even more as they found it cute. Also, since he was in miami, they didn't care about his age!

From what had been only two women, he was now surrounded by twenty. 'Ah, this is nice..' He was sitting on a rounded coach like a pimp would, women feeding him fruits and waiters bringing him apple juice. 'But...its so boring! I need my hype man!'

Orion was the one who taught Arthur how to use his childish looks to get any girl he wants. Why can't he be there to see him using such antics? "Arthur, dear. Is something the matter..?" Erica and Fiona snapped, sending the other 18 women away, and sitting down next to him on either side.

"Ah, uh.. no. Listen, Ms. Fiona, Ms. Erica. I..have that entrance exam...later on this morning, so if you don't mind.." He was having the time of his life, but he knew what came first in the end. Getting up, both Erica and Fiona frowned at knowing he had to leave.

At first they were going to use him for the money he made at that carnival game which had been over 10 grand. He completely put the business to rest with the amount of money he took. But anyways, now they were actually having fun, liking him a little even.

"We...understand, Arthur. Visit us again? You may not know it, but we'll be closer to you than you think.." They both cupped a side of his face, showing him a warm smile. He didn't know what they meant by that, but had still smiled nonetheless.

"Sure! And next time, let's party all night!" He gave them a thumbs up, Erica and Fiona giggling then letting go. He then walked away, waving at all the women who showed him love tonight.

'I had fun, but I can't let Orion down. If I show up tired and don't pass the exam to become a hero, his efforts, my efforts,'ll all be wasted..'

Couldn't do bro like that. Couldn't do the man who made his career like that. It'd be messed up. 'Orion is my best buddy! I'd never do anything to ruin our bond and trust!' And like that, he left the club in which he went to a hotel where he payed a small fee to stay the night.

Setting an alarm on the hotel provided clock, he went to bed. And for the first time in his life, he dreamt of a life where he was married, had kids and above all, was still friends with the person who made his dreams become a reality.



(An: So yeah, figured if Orion could have a harem, why not Arthur? Well, nah, nevermind. I ain't gonna give him a large harem like that. I might just keep it at Fiona and Erica.

Yeah, I'll probably do that.)