"The competition this year,..this might be the strongest new generation of heroes we've ever had.." A man with a beard said, reading over files of random kids. He, like the other grown people in the room, were sitting in chairs, watching monitors show casing all sorts of children.
They were the teachers of this school and would be using this room to watch and score the kids based off whatever performance they gave for whatever given task.
"Yeah, it's crazy. Look here, a kid who can control people with only a stare. Oh, and this one as well,.. They can manipulate technology..that's a good one right there.."
Reading some kids files had put some of the teachers to shame. They were retired heroes with semi strong quirks, and yet they could see that the new generation completely overpowered their abilities. That's...a good thing though, and they could accept it.
"Listen here.." They simultaneously turned their heads at the voice. Walking through a dimly lit hallway had been America's Number One Hero, Cathleen.
"Oh, its Cathleen guys! She's back!" Even though some of them had been close friends of hers, they were her biggest fans after all, not helping but getting excited whenever she enters the room.
"Yes, yes, I'm back! Don't fret on it too long. I've come baring news.. " She walked up to the computer monitors as everyone watched. Pointing at a screen, she shown a bright smile. "That kid... He's the one I've been talking about. Out of everyone here, I can only see him taking my title!"
They stared at her, then looked at the screen. What they had saw was Orion staring at the ass of a girl, admiring its perfections. "That's...the kid who'll take your title? God, our future is doomed.." They all sighed, confusing Cathleen.
"What? So the kids a little weird. There's nothing wrong with that. What I'm more interested in is his power and resolve to be a hero!" She then pulled his file up, listing things such as his name, birthday, gender and so on.
What they had saw was his quirk too and the name listed as, 'Molecule Manipulation'. If you took even a sliver of some sort of science class, you'd know that molecules are found everywhere, and manipulating said molecules could lead to endless possibilities.
"The kid has such a strong quirk...? Why has someone like him been under our radar?" Asked the man with a beard. "Considering that Ari is his mother, I'd think that's why.." Visible shock was on their faces when Cathleen had mentioned Ari.
They haven't heard her name in a long while and seeing that she had a kid to boot... What has she been doing all these years?! "That's Ari's...kid? Explains a lot, I guess. Kid does look beautiful.." As the married males in the rooms remembered their crush on Ari, the females had remembered their jealousy towards her.
"He has a strong quirk and all, but is he good at utilizing it? I've seen a lot of cases where a Kid could have Law defying quirks, but use them in such a basic manner."
"Well, he caught the slime villain just yesterday, something that you guys haven't been able to do in months. That's good enough evidence as to what he can do, right?"
She smirked, eyeing her student once again. The way he would resist the urge to commit assault against the woman really showed the American Dream in him. She could see that he'd be someone an entire nation could look up to.
"What?! He...took down the slime?! That's.." She had changed their point of view slightly, deciding that they'd keep an eye out on him during his tests. If Stars and Stripes sees potential in him and if he's shown it as well, he'd surely be a force to reckon with in the future.
"Though, you gotta admit, Cathleen, there are a lot of strong candidates out there.." She could admit that there were a lot of strong looking characters in the groups of crowds.
She could also tell that her student would have a fun time here, considering there were a lot of beautiful young girls here as well.
"You're right! But mark my words when I say that they all pale in comparison to my kid!" Seeing her being so overwhelmingly confident wasn't something new. Seeing her be so confident in another however was.
"Is the kid..really that strong? I mean, his frame is sort of skinny like sticks. Wouldn't he get blown away in the wind..?"
They laughed at the bearded mans joke, all except for Cathleen who turned serious. "The kid...I fear that he's stronger than I..." The laughing people instanly quieted down, reppaying her words back in their heads.
'What is she talking about? Ah, she must be over exasurating again. Never thought she'd go this far though..'
They all thought, one coming out and saying, "And why, Cathleen, why do you say such lies..?" Sighing, she pressed a button on a screen which had then showed a list.
The list had lines of words on them such as [Element Manipulation] or [Matter Manipualtion]. From the simplest power, to ones that could destroy reality itself had been listed.
The rows of words, each having a power, went on almost infinitely, spreading on the walls of the room and throughout the ground of the world. "What the hell is all of this?!"
The bearded guy said, gulping, along with his friends. "The kid, Orion, sent this to me last night. It's all of his powers, everything that he can do. From killing someone with a snap to robbing everyone of their quirks.
The kid...he's so overconfident that he listed all of his powers, even telling us his weaknesses, but that didn't matter. He has...a power for everything, meaning he NO weakness.
I...had nightmares as to what he could do with these powers. They can destroy and create, a power that not one man should have.."
If it hadn't been for Stars and Stripes influence, the heroes in the rooms would have arrested him. His existence alone, the very thought of him, had made him a threat to the world. 'Kid, not only have you exposed yourself, you laugh it off like nothing's the matter.
Not like...me nor anyone could do anything about it...' He could set rules on things, taking away quirks if he liked as well. It was something not even she could do.
'From here on..' He sent her these stats on an unsecured line, meaning anyone could find this information.
'It'll be you against the world and how they view you. A hero...' She hoped, 'Or a villain..' She feared. A single man shouldn't hold such power. But now that there is one who can do so, the balance of the world,...the very structure its built on...
Would topple.
(An: Ion noe bout this one to be honest. Maybe I shouldn't have exposed his power like that....
Oh, well! My character doesn't mind if people come after him! He lives for the thrill after all!)