Down The Shaft.

"And then I was like, that isn't a horse! It's ma' wife!"

The old man was telling jokes to soldiers who were sweeping, clearly trying to ignore the crazed man and his 'Eh, Eh, Eh' laugh that followed.

'The hell is he rambling on about? He just randomly started speaking out of the blue...'

After smacking his lips, than slapping the ass of one of the soldiers, the old man turned around and stared at the group of students who were now in their Hero Costumes.

'A Dark Green Cloud with a Red Cape.

A business woman.

Japanese Demon Slayer.

Old timey prince.

Clothes from goodwill...'

These were his exact thoughts as he looked at their outfits.

"When a newbie hero appears, their quirk isn't the only thing people look for.." He suddenly started speaking. The group of 5 listened in.

"Their Costumes also play an important factor as well. 'Oh, she's dressed like a stripper, so she must be a sleazy hero!' or 'Oh, he's only in his underwear, so he must be a pervert..'. Those type of comments are made, and now, to the point i was trying to get to.."

He cleared his throat.

"Your costumes suck! Change them at once!"

He put his right hand out, slightly angled upwards and ordered. Cathleen face palm and sighed, shaking her head while thinking, 'When will he learn..?'

Judging from the ball of hay that passed by in the silence, he slowly started realizing that they weren't obeying his command.

"A group of hard heads, huh? You will all soon learn to respect me one way or another.."

He cleared his throat again, then started over, seeing if he could approach this from a different angle. He's never taught a group that didn't listen to his every command so this was a new experience for him.

"Stars and Strips wears well,.. Stars and Stripes.

Her suit and character obviously represents America in its truest sense. Resepct, Integrity, Peace, Justice, etc.

Cathleen's costume is defined by heroes and even villains to be the Perfect Hero Costume.

It goes with her Character, It goes well with her quirk. When she arrives on the battle fields, the golden star on her chest, the American Flag as her cape,... All of that instantly puts your attention onto her. What more could you ask for out of a costume.?"

'Her suit really is heat tho. Everything fits.'

"Big Mouth! What does your costume represent?!"

He pointed towards Orion, the Big Mouthed person in mention. Everyone present looked at him, waiting for his reaction while also sizing him up.

They never thought much of his suit, but upon learning that Costumes were supposed to have a deeper meaning to them, it made them all curious as to what Orion's suit could have been symbolized as.

"Your Hero Costume doesn't have to always have a deeper meaning to it, does it? What if you have a quirk that causes poisonous gas to constantly emit from your skin.

An Emitter Type quirk that well, always emits passively. In that case, your costume could help keep it at bay and under control.

Hero Costumes don't always have to have a representation of something. Sometimes Heroes need them for 'selfish' reasons so to speak which is why most just wear what they want.

I do understand what your saying tho. You shouldn't show up mid battle in nothing but your socks for obvious reasons. It's unethical.."

Before he could continue, the old man interrupted.

"You said for 'selfish' reasons, huh. Would you say that your reasoning is selfish?"

The Cape and Mask were made from the scarf his mother made for him while the suit was simply made for him to seem ominous and mysterious.

Like Spawn from DC, the suit gave off that sort of vibe which is why Orion liked it so much.

"Eh, yes, and no." The others came up and felt on his suit, admiring the detail that went into it.

The suit had a blackish-dark green exterior with seemingly blue flames that outline the entire costume. It looked like fire and yet, didn't feel like it.

Instead of a burning sensation, it felt more like the air coming out of a fan. A cold breeze.

"Thought so. Kids these days don't know the importance of anything. Oh, well, I definently won't be able to change your young mind, so instead, I'll change theres."

He looked towards Rin. "What about you? Does your Hero Costume hold any meaning?"

She really was dressed like a simple businesswoman. Black heels, black pants that stopped at her belly button, a white buttoned up shirt tucked away into her pants, a black tie and a black unbuttoned trenchcoat.

"Yes, it does. My dad is one and travels around a lot, so I can't see him that often. This Costume reminds me of him and the things he's done for me."

Surprisingly, she was willing to answer. Being the aloof and distant girl in the group would of course bring shock to their faces when hearing her speak about herself.

"I see. That's good. And you?"

He pointed at Percy. "This outfit came to me in a vision. Nothing more."

Hearing ones costume idea came to them in a vision was a first for the old man. It interested him, but since he wanted to make a point in this moment and not go off track, he continued on asking.

"Great-Great-Great-Grandfather wore this."-Iker.


"Cathleen,... You know what, let's just start their training. I-I, these kids are gonna make me grow old.."

"er than I am."

Orion added. A blue vein visibly appeared on the old mans forehead as he tried concealing his anger and irritation.

"These 5 aren't normal. That's why I like em' so much!"

Something about seeing a 500 year old man freak out from a teenager was very amusing to her.

"Okay! Enough about your costumes. They're obviously very significant to you and that's what matters. As long as your all comfortable with what you wear. Now, let's head down to the 's training area!"

Cathleen of course knew the 'value' of Hero Costumes and how they represent a fair deal about your character.

This is why she didn't care so much about Costumes meaning anything other than just. that. She too also started out with a selfishly made costume which is why.

Surrounded by 4 people in black spandex, the group treaded forward. They reached the elevator in which all 11 people were able to fit into. The elevator could fit 3 vehicles side by side if needed.

One of the spandex soldier pressed a button with the letter 'D' on it. The doors closed and the elevator moved down. 'I wonder what kind of training it'll be.

They've already seen our abilities in play, so they have a good grasp of them already. Knowing this, our training most likely won't start out in easy mode..'

The slightly shaky elevator came to stop and the doors opened. A short hallway presented itself and at its end, a dojo.

"All 5 of you have areas in which you could grow in.."

Cathleen began speaking as she separated herself from the group. She took charge and started walking. The group of students followed behind her as well as the old man. The people in spandex however stayed in the elevator.

"Rin, you need control. Percy, reducing that 5 minute limit that you get after using your quirk. Accel, enhancing your intellect to create the perfect vectors to use. Iker, physical and mental strenght.

And Orion, discovering your weakness."

'Wait, Percy can't spam his quirk? That's new..'

He had zoned out everything she said after that point, so he didn't hear what she said.

They walked through the open doors and into the dojo. The floors were wood, the roof and walls as well. There was a tree in the left corner of the room that went through the ceiling.

"The holds many challenges. Your all beginners, and yet your 'stronger' than anyone you've ever battled. That leads me to ask you all, but of one question."

The old man stepped forward and turned around to the kids. He put a single finger up and suddenly, 3 figures in black appeared in the center of the Dojo.

"Have You Ever Fought Someone Completely Out Of Your League?"

These people, they were in ninja wear, but you could easily tell that two were male and one was female. They stood in a horizontal line and didn't move at all. They made the walls seem figety with how still they were.

'Out of your league? Do these people even have quirks? I can't sense any sort of power from them..'

"Percy, please step forward. The first challenge begins with you..."

He was a little skeptical, being first and whatnot. Also, having his secret exposed by Cathleen also put him on edge since he thought of that secret as life threatening.


He however stepped forward, punching his fist in the palm of his other hand. As soon as he stepped forward, the man on his left, the man at the far right of the line, stepped forward as well.

He was tall, 6'2 to be exact. His forearms were exposed and pure muscle was seen. It wasn't an overly thick arm that seemed unnatural. It was perfect in width and thickness, Percy on the low admiring it.

"Who are these people?"

Orion could easily figure that out on his own, but that'd be boring. "I guess you could call them, Assistant Senseis. They'll be helping all of you get stronger."

"Oh, Okay. But who are they though. Do they go to our school?" Cathleen pondered around for a moment before answering with, "Well,... Yes, but you'll hardly ever see them there as there always on missions."


"Yes. What they're doing right now is what all of you will be doing in the future. Though they aren't nearly as public as you guys will be."

She did answer his question and all the other questions that the other four asked themselves. But it still wasn't what he wanted to exactly know. What were their names and quirks.

"What are there-"

"Shh. The match is about to start.."

Cathleen quieted him as she gave the signal for the old man to commence the battle. "The two of you don't know anything about each other, more specifically, your quirks.

Bassically your both like two random people on street who decided to brawl for absolutely no reason. That is correct, right?"

While Percy nodded, the other brute just stood their, tilting their head to the side. A loud crack was heard followed by a low groan.

"Ah, ye-yeah.." Percy said with a stutter. Since the guy gave off no presence whatsoever, it made him ever scarier.

They were tall, muscular, and in a ninja uniform. His reaction was perfectly normal. "Good. Then.." The old man waved his hand down.


The other two people had already backed away, giving the dance floor all to their friend.

'Something about their calmness makes me actually want to consider my possibilities..' Percy thought.

Since the person just stood there, Percy was able to walk backwards and create space between them.

'For an opponent I know nothing about, do what dad taught you Percy..'

He used his quirk which finally drew in some attention from the man.

And instantly, he knew that he had such power.

'Using my full strength in this moment is my only way to win agaisnt someone who is 'completely out of my league'.'

He charged at the man who let out a low laugh and crossed their arms. 'If he can tank this, congratulations, your strong. But if you can't, that's your fault..'

He did feel as though even Stars and Stripes would evade this, so tanking it would probably be unlikely.

Drawbacks still applied and losing his speed was just it. He was no faster than a empty cardboard box being throw.

"He's as strong and durable as a mountain.."

Orion informed everyone. "Should've placed down a tarp, Cathleen. Rooms gonna be stained in blood.."

Iker and Accel agreed, seeing this match as over. I mean, even Orion wouldn't want to get hit by that punch. Even though he wouldn't feel any fear or real danger from it, imagine seeing a mountain falling down on you. Anyone would try and dodge it.

"Strenght of a mountain and durability of one as well, huh..?" Cathleen said, the old man letting out a long sigh.

"He Should've Manipulated His Strenght To Something Stronger.."


Orion stared at her, then back toward the battle. With his battle cry, but lack of speed, it made for quite the funny sight, the tall dude seemingly holding back laughter.

'It's gonna of 'those' moment's, isn't it'

With one last cry, his cocked right fist back, shot it forward and connected with the center of their chest.

The top half of their clothes shredded into a millions pieces while Orion and the other dude who wasn't in battle put up forefeilds that blocked the heavy gust of wind, capable of most likely destroying towns.

"Aw man. Even Caz punches harder than that!"

The man finally spoke.

He was loud, and sounded like he would be the playful type. However in this moment, he sounded undeniably sarcastic.

'How the hell can he..'

Orion was stupefied as he gazed at the man through the dust.

Not a scratch mark on him, not a worry on his face.


Percy actually freaked out, throwing his broken hand back and eyes which had been filling with tears. A seemingly normal man had just survived a punch that had the force of a mountain.

He tanked it and even proceeded to mock Percy by digging in his ears and smelling his fingers. "Man, is this over yet. I'm sure he understands now.." They said as they looked in the old mans direction.

"No! One of you have to be on the floor and crying their eyes out in order for the match to end, hehe.."

The tall man shrugged and grabbed Percy by the collar. "I don't know if you'll live, but... Heyyy, isn't Sock Puppet on right now?!" The slightest jerk from his hand had sent Percy flying through the ceiling, through the multiple floor levels above and then some.

The tall man than started running away and into a backdoor hidden amongst the walls.

'What the hell is happening? Some random guys shows up and takes on the force of a mountain head on, then just dips? It all happened so fast as well...'

"That boy... Should've know he couldn't stay in character for long..."

The old man sighed and face palmed. "Yeah.. What were we thinking.." Cathleen agreed and looked towards all the dazed students.

"From here on, they'll help with your training. They're... quite the special bunch I should tell you."

Saying this, the other two ninja stepped forward and took their masks off. When Orion saw their faces, they sort of looked like people from his old life, but not enough to say that they were them.


'I still don't think that guy was using a quirk.

That's... that's what gets me..'
