Sports Week

"Hey guys, please shut up for a moment! Please pay attention for a moment! Come on!" Michael shouted, patting the white board in front of the class.

Michael himself is the new class president in my class, after the old class president was often sick, the teacher replaced the old class president with a new class president.

The class which was originally boisterous, immediately calmed down and the children began to pay attention to Michael who was standing in front of the class.

The man brought some flyers and a pen.

"Please pay attention for a moment, okay, so it's like this, because our school has finished carrying out exams, there is such a thing as Sports Week! You must know that, like in previous years we always held Sports Week. What kind of competition do you want to represent our class in?!" Michael asked.

"What kind of branch is it? Tell me!" shouted one of the students sitting in the back.