The great scientists of the world evinced profound interest in physics and physical things and objects. Even 99% them denied the existence of God because God didn't have any physical existence. That which could be felt and measured alone mattered and they there existed nothing beyond that...How perfectly ludicrous and stupid?They loved to spend their lives in the study of physical forces and activities and considered themselves the greatest of all human beings.That which could not be seen and felt by all was simply absent. Our hero Tea-Seller wondered at the narrowness of the understanding of the lovers of materialistic concerns and thinking...
Man can never be wise as long as he clings to the truth of the physical forces and objects..A highly competent eye surgeon once said to Tea-Seller,"I never believe in any God..." Tea-Seller asked,"Can there be any effect without its cause...?" The surgeon ignored him because of his stark ignorance. Many don't have the patience and time to think about what exists beyond the world. Since Tea-Seller was absolutely out of Time and Place,time and distance which were non-absolutes carried no importance in his view.Now he was stuck in his seventy-sixth year
and Time could exercise no impact on him. This was because he lived in a non-dualistic state. If Time is kept at arm's length,how can for a person ageing take place? No ageing means no death or death comes when one permits it to come.
Mahavatar sometimes recollected how in his childhood before his enlightenment he heard people discussing renowned ascetics and yogis never growing old and later his understanding had filled him with deep satisfaction as his questions regarding ageing were most satisfactorily answered.
Once the saints of the world appeared in the USA and talked to some scientists to devote themselves to hard work leading to the discovery of the Eternal Spirit existing in each of them.They told them that they could carry out their space research side by side too. Almost 80 percent of the scientists came under the influence of the world spiritual leaders and said goodbye to science. The American Government was greatly worried about the possible conspiracies that the saints might have made to rob the USA of its military power and its position as the most influential global leader. The circumstances became so critical that the US police arrested all the saints and they were sent to jail for one hundred years. But the next day the police received reports of the saints wandering the streets of Boston. The prison cells where the saints were kept were now empty. They were locked and the guards kept strict watch over the prisoners but they had all disappeared in the twinkling of an eye. The President and the first lady of the country were very much worried about the carelessness of the US police department. Many committees were set up to carry out investigations into the impending national disaster. But the common masses of the country sided with the saints and did whatever they were advised to do.
The US people were now convinced that the saints of the world were going to establish a new order for the entire human race. All differences were going to disappear and no aliens could do any kind of harm to people on Earth. Now the peoples of the world were convinced and had realised that if they trod the path of truth and non-violence,no power from anywhere in the universe or the countless universes could inflict the least harm upon them.The entire world would witness a spiritual awakening.One could safely travel to the remote areas of the world in a split second. Those who can't gather the strength to do so could consult the men and women of God whether their journey was going to be safe.What is the use of boasting of the invention of the jumbo jet which could crash easily killing more than 500 people at a time...? Such jets were the outcomes of the ignorance of man of the divinity latent in him.No man lacks faith in himself.He doesn't know that all the powers are present within himself.Big elderly men spend millions and millions of dollars so that their life-span might be lengthened and they could have young girlfriends to satisfy their lust.Those millions must be spent on providing food and shelter to the seekers after Truth and the Almighty.
Astronauts have lost their precious lives in their quest of life on other planets.If we are advanced and progressive,can't we verify whether God exists or not?
Can't we tell our children to be seekers after Truth?
The new era is coming when young men and women will discover on their own how valuable sexual energy is and how it can make them into powerful beings who believe in universal tolerance and brotherhood?Their fortitude and endurance will conquer all the evil forces that are plaguing humanity.Birds and animals will look up to man as their Saviour.
The Tea-Seller, his wife Vanita,Ludvig and Freja,Kanola with his two sons Kai and Oke,St.Carlos and St.Fernando,the Italian Reccardo and Bella frequently visited the parts of the world and carried out their duty of teaching people that when Man becomes aggressive and adopts violent means to achieve something,he is motivated by cowardice and a sense of fear and insecurity.Neither the pen nor the sword is mighty;self-realisation is the mightiest of all powerful instruments that Man has within himself. In each and every country such men have appeared from time to time.The impact of their combined efforts are going to bear fruit. The golden Age in the history of mankind is in the offing..
The scientists of world met from time to time at world capitals and discussed how to live a pure and honest life that must empower the coming generations.They convinced people that destructive activities and violence emanated from a sense of fear and insecurity and hence it was nothing but cowardice. The real heroes were going to endure the cruel blows those cowards dealt the weak and the innocent.People who adopt violent means are just like cowardly birds or rats caught in a trap.No bird will unnecessarily flap its wings unless it is caught in a trap.
The world became a happy place for all.There was no fear of any alien attacks. If Godly beings existed in the limitless unknown,they would never attack us. Because it is always the cowards who after vengeance,violence and destructive behaviour. The world now had the matchless might and mien of the spirit to repel any kinds of alien attacks.
The End