Chapter 284: Livestream On

The moment the system notification sounded...

All the players chosen felt their vision blur, and when they reopened their eyes, they were in a new environment.

The snow-capped mountains, the blue waves of the island, the forest that covered the sky, the boundless grasslands...

There were countless terrains of all kinds.

In the death arena fighting ring.

The players who did not enter the arena noticed that a new section had appeared on the forum.

In the live broadcast section.

As one clicked on it, one could see several Livestream rooms.

There was a group of players in each room. And one million people meant 10,000 live broadcast rooms.

The players eliminated from the instance dungeon also saw this scene.

They were instantly interested, and countless people swarmed in.

There were too many players. Even if there were tens of thousands of rooms, hundreds of millions of people were in each room on average.