Chapter 312: Contract with the Dark Valkyrie [2/2]

"Treebeard, let those seeds of yours lay low and quietly absorb the energy. You must not attract the attention of the void monsters."

"As you wish, Lord."

Richard nodded and didn't say anything else.

He took another glance at the boss's attributes. The transformation progress had already reached 30%.

It was still a long way to go before he could complete the transformation.

"It seems I still have to use points to buy that drop of dark divine blood from the black-robed merchant."

The black-robed merchant distinctly mentioned that the divine blood of darkness could complete the transformation of the god's ancient tree and even make it one level higher. It could activate the power of the god's ancient tree in the body.

However, what gave him a headache was that the price of the divine blood of darkness was as high as 8 million points.