
Chen Yiming and Wang Bowen had no intention of explaining all the details to Chen Shaojie.

Bloodline warriors.

Wang Bowen only knew some basic information from the books passed down in his clan.

Chen Yiming, on the other hand, had a rough understanding of what was going on after integrating the knowledge of genetics he learned in his previous world.

"Senior Brother Wang, can you help Shaojie test his strength?" Chen Yiming asked.

The reason he didn't do it himself was because he didn't know the strength of a bloodline warrior.

If Chen Shaojie was too strong and caused him to expose his true level, it would be troublesome.

"Sure. To be honest, this is the first time I'm seeing a bloodline warrior in person," Wang Bowen said with interest.

He twisted his wrists and flexed his muscles to warm up, making cracking sounds.

"It's not very suitable to do it here, right?" Chen Shaojie looked around hesitantly.