
In the hall,

the group of burly men scattered around in groups of twos and threes and observed Xiong Kai, who had taken the initiative to suggest a spar.

"Brother Wei, your guess was right. I'll accept this loss," Guo Hao said.

"Haha, Xiong Kai is a martial arts fanatic. He loves to find different opponents to spar with the most. He doesn't care about the other party's status," Wei Chaoyuan laughed.

"No wonder you stopped me from going over. So you knew that Xiong Kai would approach him," Guo Hao said.

"That's not it. I'll tell you the truth even if it hurts you a little. You have only undergone three transformations, while Xiong Kai has undergone four.

A core disciple who has just left the martial arts school will at least undergo three transformations. His cultivation technique is more powerful than yours, what can you gain even if you spar with him?" Wei Chaoyuan explained.