Myriad Phenomena Sect (I)

In the training hall of the Mantis Snake Sword School headquarters, other than Chen Yiming, all the core disciples had returned to the headquarters of the martial arts school. They were practicing in pairs to check their recent cultivation progress.

After Lin Yixuan's accidental death, the Mantis Snake Sword School had returned to the status of not having a clear candidate for the next head.

As long as Chen Yiming was still unwilling to take over the position of head, the other core disciples would still stand a chance.

Xia Yingzhe, Zhang Xingfeng, Zhao Yunrong, and Du Yuan practiced for a while before finding a corner to chat.

"Junior Brother Zhang, I remember that the Morning Wind Hunting Team offered you a contract with a high salary. Why did you suddenly break it and return to the school?" Xia Yingzhe asked in a low voice.