The Power to Part the Sea (II)

There were warships of various sizes docked in the military port. Most of these warships were equipped with modern weapons, demonstrating the combat power of humans on the sea.

Nowadays, there were very few ships sailing on the sea, and warships were no exception. Only with martial arts experts onboard did they dare to move around in the sea.

"Consultant Chen, there's something I have to tell you in advance.

The special operations unit of the security bureau has been carrying out missions on the sea all year round. Some of the members might not know about your achievements outside.

In case anyone challenges you, I hope you can understand. Don't be too harsh, just teach them a simple lesson."

Section Chief Chen hesitated before finally deciding to speak.

Most medium-sized factions didn't dare to provoke the special operations unit from the security bureau, but with Chen Yiming's achievements,