Sword Aura (II)

This feeling was like a student who was facing an exam question being able to deduce the answer at a glance.

However, the fusion of 13 types of internal force involved too much internal force, and the problems encountered were not small. The sect masters of the large sects had all made progress in the internal force fusion in blocks of 10 years.

Even with the increase in comprehension brought about by his Level-3 swordsmanship talent, it was not enough for Chen Yiming to learn it instantly.

However, he could feel the improvement every second. It was like a progress bar. He only needed to wait patiently for a period of time before the cultivation of the internal force fusion could be completed automatically.

In the Jiangnan Martial Arts Academy, Chen Yiming had a peach wood sword strapped to his back as he strolled along the academy's concrete road.

Having achieved his goal of cultivating in the otherworld, he returned to Jiangnan City.