Controlling The Kunshan Sect

After leaving Jiangnan City, there were many tall buildings behind him. Smoke rose from the chimneys of the industrial park, and thick black smoke rose towards the clouds.

In the wilderness in front of him, there were still a large number of people from other provinces heading towards Jiangdu City. However, the path that adventurers often took was empty. It was much quieter than usual.

From time to time, birds would fly past in the sky. They would circle overhead a few times before flying into the distance.

Chen Yiming looked up at the sky and decided to head to the strange mountain village to resolve the hidden danger.

The development of the otherworld was irreversible, and he had contributed greatly to it.

Before the appearance of the space-travel passages, the mutant beasts were just meat for humans. A large number of species were on the verge of extinction, and they had no choice but to build a wildlife park to help them reproduce.