Mountain of Flesh

Time flew by, and another month had passed.

Chen Yiming had left behind a huge spiritual crystal in the air. Countless people were able to study the crystal meditation technique for free. The effect it caused was only just beginning.

In the meeting room of the provincial government office, the secretary, Cao Xianghua, was reporting to Wang Ronghui about the changes the crystal meditation technique had brought to Jiangnan province in the past month.

Wang Ronghui nodded from time to time, indicating for the secretary to continue.

In front of Cao Xianghua was a stack of materials with more than 100 pages. Beside it was a large pot of luohan fruit tea.

The door to the meeting room was closed from morning to afternoon. Cao Xianghua coughed to clear his throat and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat before continuing.