Attack from the Behemoth

It was evening.

Since Chen Yiming came back for once in a long while, Mother Chen put on her apron and cooked a big meal.

Before long, the dining table was filled with all kinds of home-cooked food. There were more than 10 dishes in total, and they all contained meat and vegetables. The dishes looked, smelled, and tasted good.

At this moment, a call came in. It was from Father Chen.


"I have something to do tonight, so I have to go back late."

"Working overtime again?"

Mother Chen picked up her phone and said a few words to Father Chen. After hanging up, her expression did not look too good.

Chen Yiming, who had sharp ears, heard their conversation clearly. The second industrial base for the space plan was trying its best to overcome a certain technology and was at a critical moment. Dawn was just around the corner.