The New Era Experimental Ship Returns

At 8 am, the first auction for the miracle blood, which everyone was watching, finally started.

The announcer was a thin middle-aged man with a beard and a yellow hat. When the leaders of many martial arts factions saw this person, they immediately extinguished their last hope.

The thin middle-aged man was a veteran auctioneer in the industry, and not a staff member from a governmental organization. If they secretly worked together to tamper with the bidding, it would be difficult to hide it from the other party.

This way, no matter what, they would definitely have to play by the rules. Otherwise, even if they managed to get by this time, it would be even worse if they were targeted in the future.

"Hello, everyone. Welcome to the auction for the miracle blood."

The thin middle-aged man on the stage spread his arms, an inexplicable sense of confidence on his face.