The Truth About the Space-travel Passage

In the command center behind the defense line, a few high-definition photos of Mount Everest were displayed on the huge monitor. They had been taken by fighter jets flying over from a high altitude while risking their lives. It was said that at that time, the pilots' hands had frozen, almost causing the planes to crash.

The reason was not only that Mount Everest had disappeared and the surrounding 100 kilometers had been razed to the ground, but also the huge eye that was lying motionless on the ground.

The extremely unstable spiritual power only occasionally spread to the outside world, but it also greatly affected the fighter jets in the sky.

At the conference table sat the commander-in-chief of the southwest military region, Huang Baijun, the martial master Elder Zhang, the person in charge of the 1,000-strong special forces, Zheng Yun, and the calm Chen Yiming.