The Combat Performance of the Extraordinary Cannon

"At this time next year, if we really have to take the spaceship to go to a new planet, it is unknown how long we'll be traveling for.

Your mother and I remember what you said. After reaching the master realm, the lifespan of humans will increase by two to three times. We don't want to die of old age on the way there."

Father Chen laughed and explained their current perspective.

Chen Yiming nodded.

He understood that Father Chen and Mother Chen did not want to be a burden to him. After all, there was a huge difference between escaping to deep space and staying on the blue planet.

This was the bond shared by a family. As long as they could understand it, there was no need to put it in words.

In the new year, with the completion of the first flight of the city-level spaceship, the impact on the citizens of the Daxia Kingdom was far-reaching.