Fake Death and Sneak Attack

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Lan suddenly charged out from a blade of light. Based on the essence of the Rain of Light Technique, he was already mentally prepared. However, some powerful techniques could not be countered just because one was prepared.

The moment Chen Yiming sensed Jiang Lan's true body, the blood-red divine sword had already arrived. Unless he used the space anchor, it would be too late to dodge it.

He did not choose to dodge. Instead, he faced the attack head-on.


Before he could swing his fist, his entire body was split into two by the blood-red divine sword.

The two halves of his corpse floated quietly in space. The dense aura of the power of the world spread out, and the blood essence that spread out seemed to want to ignite the entire galaxy, causing it to turn red.


A spatial ability user with extremely strong survival abilities had died just like that?