Chance Encounter with the Interstellar Battle

In the space ambush.

"We've finally captured these two people. Once the space disruptor is activated, the spaceship can forget about teleporting freely. With so many large factions present, let's attack together and not give the two of them any chance to escape."

A space beast covered in lightning spoke in human language. This was a creature that could devour stars, and the remote and weak living planets often that became its food.

For example, a planet like the blue planet had not truly integrated into the Hidden Dragon Galaxy. The space beast might have casually swallowed it when it passed by, and the creatures on the blue planet would have disappeared without a trace.

Nuclear weapons, intercontinental missiles, and laser weapons would not even leave a scratch on the space beast, and the martial masters were even less than ants compared to it.

It had a grudge against the Gao clan, so it had participated in the pursuit of Gao Shuai.