A Problematic Woman

Chen Yiming decided to observe the situation in secret. After the middle-aged man failed again and again, he suddenly stopped attacking and stayed hundreds of meters away.

The middle-aged man did not continue to attack, and the group of young men and women did not counterattack or continue to run. The two sides remained in a stalemate for a few minutes.

Finally, a young woman broke the silence. "Senior Zhu Qun, it's just some source ores. We can't be sure that there's really essence energy inside. It's very likely that it's just a pile of rocks."

"Look, both sides have fought for more than 10 kilometers. This is not a good situation in the forbidden death zone. What if we are targeted by the terrifying existence on the mountain?"

The middle-aged man did not reply. His expression was dark, as if he had not really given up and was still thinking of a way to deal with the group in front of him.