
A few days passed.

On the first day, the Lion Heart Hall didn't immediately recognize Chen Yiming and treated him as an ordinary customer.

It was only when Chen Yiming took out a top-quality cauldron that they reported it to the powerful elder behind the medicine hall, causing chaos to occur. It was said that the powerful elder had come personally to apologize.

The next day, the news that Chen Yiming had gone to the medicinal hall to buy the Heaven Combining Pill spread throughout the 12 medicine halls and other factions in the same line of business.

"Is this Heaven Combining Pill that magical?"

"How is that possible? The Heaven Combining Pill is just something for kids to use. It's not worth mentioning."

"The Heaven Combining Pill must be a cover. Could it be that Chen Yiming is using an excuse to get the 12 medicinal halls to help him refine the Holy Spirit Divine Pill?"