Slap Him to Death

"You found Big Yellow?" Fang Ziyu's eyes lit up.

"No, I found Rhubarb's hair. It must be in this neighborhood."Xiao Bing said confidently. With its level 3 perception ability. It was impossible for him not to recognize Rhubarb's fur.

"Bring me over to take a look."

The man and the dragon soon arrived. Xiao Bing found Rhubarb's fur beside a tree. A large tuft of fur fell to the ground.

Fang Ziyu's heart tightened when he saw the fur. It was obvious that someone had grabbed the fur that Big Yellow had lost when it was struggling.

Was someone really stealing cats?

Fang Ziyu immediately went to the security room to check the video. Although Rhubarb was an ordinary orange cat, it was even more important to him than Xiao Bing.

If this stupid cat was caught, Fang Ziyu would be heartbroken.

Although Fang Ziyu often said that Big Yellow was fat and that Mount Huangshan did not look like a cat, he had never mistreated Big Yellow.