Tricked Me (1)

The suburbs of Hanjiang River were more than a hundred meters wide. The view was wide, and the river was covered with green water plants. The air was fresh and the environment was beautiful.

However, Hanjiang wasn't a safe place. The river was filled with Chaos Monsters and Elves. Although the country had already dealt with the powerful existences, it was still suicidal to wander around without a Tier 2 Pet.

Fang Ziyu and the others parked the car by the river bank and walked towards the river with their fishing gear.

Xiao Bai took out a small grill and said,""Let's go. Today, we'll fish and grill at the same time. I'll let you have a taste of our grilled fish skills."

"You actually set up a barbecue grill. Then we must do something big today."Fang Ziyu's eyes lit up, eating barbecue, what he was best at.