Xiong Yuwei?

Xiong Yuwei replied with a voice message.

Chen Yilang clicked on it and listened to her message. Her voice was really beautiful.

No wonder they all said that Xiong Yuwei had a beautiful voice. It seemed to be true.

Just this voice sounded like a sweet girl, right?

Chen Yilang put his hands in his pockets and whistled. He looked up at the sky in boredom.

He did not expect Xiong Yuwei to not make him wait for long. Just a few minutes later, she walked out of the house.

From afar, Chen Yilang saw a slender figure. He saw a pretty girl.


Other than that, Xiong Yuwei did not seem to have anything to do with the word "sweet".

The girl was wearing a pair of flip-flops, a pair of shorts, and a tank top. She also had long, wavy hair, and she was wearing a pair of small earrings.

One had to admit that she looked gorgeous and mature.

This made Chen Yilang, who was wearing a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans, look like a brat...

However, the school did not allow Xiong Yuwei to dress like that.

Especially at a critical moment like the third year of high school, the teachers naturally hoped that the students would spend more time and effort on their studies.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!"

"Hahaha, that was too exciting. We almost lost, but guess what? We won!"

Xiong Yuwei was delighted. After opening the door for Chen Yilang, she started chatting with him in a very friendly manner.

This surprised Chen Yilang quite a bit.

He did not expect Xiong Yuwei to actually be quite easy to get along with despite her seemingly unapproachable appearance.

Just as Chen Yilang was thinking about this...

A notification popped up on Xiong Yuwei's head.

[Xiong Yuwei]

[Details: A strong woman. Don't be fooled by her good-looking appearance. Her punch can make you lie in bed for half a month.]


Chen Yilang's mouth twitched. Only then did he notice Xiong Yuwei's slim but extremely muscular arms.

When he walked into Xiong Yuwei's room, he finally understood everything.

Xiong Yuwei's room was huge.

On a huge shelf, Chen Yilang could see all kinds of awards and trophies displayed inside.

There were swimming competitions, basketball competitions, marathon competitions, and even taekwondo competitions, sparring competitions, and kendo competitions...

A drop of cold sweat trickled down Chen Yilang's forehead.

She was amazing.

He thought she was a sweet girl, but she turned out to be a fierce woman.

It was Liu Shiya's fault for not explaining these things to him clearly. Chen Yilang was completely in a daze.

It was not until he chatted with Xiong Yuwei for a while that he realized that she was a sports student.

As a sports student, training usually took up a lot of their time, so she might not be able to cope with her studies.

However, Xiong Yuwei was an excellent student.

Although she was a sports student, her results were good. She could also squeeze into the top 100 of the grade.

If it were not for the math test that held her back a little, she probably would not be better than Liu Shiya.

"Let's get started." Chen Yilang took out his textbook. "What do you want to learn today?"

"Number sequences, three-dimensional geometry, and analytic geometry. Especially parabolas and ellipses," Xiong Yuwei said.

"Okay." Chen Yilang nodded.

Fortunately, what Xiong Yuwei said was not particularly difficult to learn.

What Liu Shiya said was indeed true. It was easy for Chen Yilang.

Very soon, Chen Yilang solved all the problems that Xiong Yuwei asked him.

However, Chen Yilang knew that this was not the main point.

After all, the real purpose was not to tutor Xiong Yuwei.

He was here to have in-depth communication with Xiong Yuwei.

Therefore, the tutoring process was foreplay. When the atmosphere was less tense and awkward, he had to get down to business.

"Xiong Yuwei, are these awards all yours?" Chen Yilang looked around at the trophies and certificates of honor. "You're outstanding."

"Nah." Xiong Yuwei waved her hand and said, "I'm a sports student, but I'm very lazy. I'm not as good as you guys, so I can only train harder..."

Hearing this, Chen Yilang suddenly felt inferior...

"Please don't say so..." Chen Yilang smiled helplessly. "I don't like to study either, and my grades are much worse than yours. My results have always been bad when I was young, and I don't have any special skills in other areas. I'm the real kid here."

"But you're great now."

Xiong Yuwei smiled and said, "Besides, I don't really like sports.

"I didn't like to study since I was young. My family had no choice but to send me to do sports.

"But I didn't expect that I did have a little talent in sports, and then I persevered until now."

"It must be hard, right?" Chen Yilang lowered his voice and asked.

"Yes, I've got a lot of injuries. I even have more than ten stitches here."

Xiong Yuwei pointed at a scar on her calf.

Although it was not very long, it was very eye-catching on her smooth and fair skin.

"It's okay. It's just a small injury, and I'm not the only one who has it hard. Everyone is working hard."

Xiong Yuwei smiled and said, "Others only see that you've made great progress, but they don't know how much effort you've put in behind the scenes."

Chen Yilang, who was deeply ashamed, could only keep a smile on his face. At the same time, he comforted himself in his heart that she was right. He did put in a lot of effort in eating Memory Bread...

The two of them chatted a lot of things that night.

Chen Yilang had a good time with Xiong Yuwei. He did not know whether it was because they got along or because Xiong Yuwei had a great personality.

In short, his mission was completed.


[Congratulations on completing the mission: A good friend's problem.]

[You obtained Gold Coins +999, Experience Points +1000, and Lucky Mall Coupon x1.]


However, it was a pain in the *ss because it did not open for business for 24 hours a day. It opened for business depending on its mood.

For example, ever since Chen Yilang bought the [Lucky Treasure Chest] in the mall and got the [Memory Bread Recipe], he did not get anything special at all after that.

Therefore, this reward was okay.

However, there was nothing to be disgusted. After all, the difficulty of this mission was not that high. It was just talking to a girl.

"Let's see what new products the [Mystery Mall] has," Chen Yilang said.