[ Level 5 Ultimate Learning God ]!

On top of Chen Jiahui's head.

An eye-catching red exclamation mark was flashing rapidly.

"What's going on?"

Chen Yilang was a little curious.

He knew that exclamation marks usually meant that a hidden mission had been triggered.

However, this was the first time he had seen a bright red exclamation mark flashing at high speeds.

It flickered rapidly.

Before long, a prompt from the system popped up.

[ Your [ Competitive Spirit ] has made [ Level 5 Ultimate Learning God ] feel a sense of crisis. ]

[ Level 5 Ultimate Learning God ] has entered an [ Alert ] state. Mind, Intelligence, and Dexterity attributes have increased... ]

Chen Yilang subconsciously glanced at Chen Jiahui's desk.

The evening self-study session was nearing its end, and yet, she was still actively compiling the questions she had gotten wrong in the mock exam into her collection of test mistakes. 


Somewhat acutely, she seemed to have noticed Chen Yilang's gaze, and thus, she quickly moved aside her collection so that Chen Yilang would not see it.

It was not known whether it was an intentional or a subconscious reaction.

However, one had to keep in mind that back in the past, she would not even hesitate to hand over her homework to be copied, let alone sneaking a peak at her compilation. 

After all, why would a scholar that ranked within the top of the grade take a student that ranked beyond the top 1,000 seriously?

However, the times had changed.

The salted fish that was Chen Yilang had suddenly grown a pair of legs, and he was now charging full-steam ahead.

Should he continue down his current path, Chen Jiahui feared that he would slam into her and take her place one day...

Therefore, Chen Jiahui, who was now acutely aware of this possible crisis, had decided to treat Chen Yilang as a proper rival.

It was likely due to this fear that caused Chen Jiahui to enter the [ Alert ] state.

With this, Chen Yilang felt even more troubled.

It was already plenty difficult to defeat the [ LV5 Ultimate Learning God ] , and now that she was in the Alerted state, she would become even harder to deal with.

Now that she was paying extra attention to all his moves, it would be tough for him to pull off anything against her.

"Sigh, forget it."

"I'll rely on my own strength then."

Chen Yilang brought out his newly purchased college entrance exam model question papers and started working on them.


Not long after he had started working on the questions.

Chen Yilang started to lose his interest.

Throughout the past few weeks, Chen Yilang had spent so much time grinding science and mathematics questions that he felt like vomiting.

They really were not kidding when they claimed that mastering the sciences would make the university entrance exams a cinch.

After all, ever since Chen Yilang's science and mathematics grades had improved significantly after obtaining the corresponding Knowledge Points, Chen Yilang's ranking had instantly shot up into the top 50.

And now...

He felt like he had reached a bottleneck.

He felt like he had reached his ceiling when it came to the domain of science and math.

He could no longer go up, and he felt like he was stuck in a rut.

Only then did Chen Yilang remember his English scores.

His English scores were not bad, but they were not excellent either.

In other words...

In order to improve his grades even further, he would likely need to turn to English.

Should my English scores improve by another 30-40 points, perhaps I'll finally be able to beat the [ Top Students ] as well as the [ Learning Gods ] !

I might even be able to topple the [ Ultimate Learning God ] !

Chen Yilang's eyes narrowed, and he struggled to contain the excitement bursting forth within him.

He immediately flipped open a book of vocabularies and began scouring the first page.

As he observed the densely packed list of words, Chen Yilang sighed to himself, "What I would give to get my hands on some Memory Bread again."

The previous Memory Bread blueprints had all been used up, and he had spent most of them to memorize Liu Shiya's math notes, science textbooks, as well as Contemporary and Classical Chinese.

He was far too naïve back then. He had not thought of leaving some behind to memorize some English vocabularies, something that he desperately needed.

Perhaps, with the help of the Memory Bread, he would not be awkwardly scratching his head at a simple word such as "abandon".

He took another glance at the Chinese definition of the term.

Abandon : To give up on something.

Chen Yilang grinned in a mocking manner.

Very good, very good.

It's only the first word, and it's already telling me to give up. How f*cking motivational!

Before long, the self-study session had come to an end.

As usual, Mo Li praised the three model students, including Chen Yilang, for their excellent performance in the mock exam,

In the end, as usual, she gave another round of pep talk to her students.


"Our days in this classroom are numbered."

"From today onwards, there are only 30 days left to the College Entrance Exams."

"It's been three long years since all of you have started high school. Are you still afraid of one mere month!?"


As Mo Li spoke, Chen Yilang observed the [Top Students ] and [ Underachievers ] around him, but it seems that her words had not elicited any reactions from them.

It was only until that Mo Li wrote the number "30" on the blackboard that something welled up within them.

Chen Yilang looked around once again, and he spotted that most were now in an [ Anxious ] state.

[ Ding! ]

[ Due to your good state of mind, you have successfully purified the [ Anxious ] debuff. Please keep up the good work. ]

Chen Yilang scratched the side of his face helplessly. He did not know whether the system was praising or insulting him.

In short...

From that day onwards.

Chen Yilang had taken up a brand new strategy to make his comeback. He shifted the focus of his study to tackling English instead.

However, Chen Yilang soon discovered a major problem.

Although it was not difficult to learn English quickly, it was difficult to attain fluency.

It was the type of knowledge that required great time and effort to cultivate.

Even if Chen Yilang were to memorize the complicated vocabulary and grammar rigidly, it was still difficult to make sense of the language when attempting reading comprehension.

"Strange, I clearly know the meaning of all of these words, but once they form a sentence, nothing makes f*cking sense anymore!"

Chen Yilang, a total noob when it came to studying, voiced his thoughts aloud.

However, there was no other way forward.

Even so, Chen Yilang could only grit his teeth and continue to learn.

Chen Yilang refused to believe that he would not make it.

Everyone was a person with normal IQ. As long as he did not slack off, there was no way he would lose to the others!

With that, Chen Yilang continued his grind with renewed vigor.

One afternoon after school...

After memorizing his vocabulary and grammar for the day, Chen Yilang then headed to a field.

After doing a simple warm-up, he began to run circles.

This was also something that Chen Yilang had made a habit of doing.

Chen Yilang believed his open-mindedness as one of his redeeming qualities.

As far as he was concerned, once his brain was tired, there was no point in continuing to study, as the brain would not be able to absorb the knowledge anyway.

By running, Chen Yilang was able to take his mind off of studying, and he would be able to relax himself. Moreover, he would also exercise his body, which would increase his learning efficiency in the long term as well.

Chen Yilang was not a person who liked to be pressured, after all.

Even though he was now regarded as an "competitive beast" by his classmates, in the depths of his soul, he was still just a little salted fish who had not turned over a new leaf.

While Chen Yilang was running...

"Student Chen!"

"Why are you here?"

  1. Formerly Breath of the Inner Scroll
  2. Used to refer to someone as unmotivated or lazy.