Chapter 421: "Behold the Mystique of My Flame!

In the crowded hall, four people wearing masks walked among a throng dressed in bizarre and flamboyant costumes.

Su Ming'an listened somewhat speechlessly to the stage performer's repetitious declaration, "I love you all!" in a tone overflowing with unwarranted sentimental anguish.

"Wow. They got this act together quickly, must be a professional troupe," Lin Yin touched her chin, "This event just happened a few days ago, and they've already got a stage play out. Those who generate electricity with love are truly terrifying."

"Hmm... It's just not the same," Noel spread his hands, "That guy on the stage, he's just shouting the lines mechanically; I don't feel a thing. When Su Ming'an was on the walls of the Southern District, his speech was far more stirring. You simply can't imitate that."

Lv Shu nodded in agreement.

Even over a live broadcast, those who had heard that speech could easily discern the vast difference between the two men.