Tian Long

The old man's face was certainly lewd. He was happily resting on the bare thighs of the woman behind him, who was stunningly hot, and looked straight at the guests who had arrived. 

"Cai Guo. You have disobeyed a command I gave you through verdict. Do you know what the punishment for something like that is?" Tian Long asked. 

"It is death, Your Majesty." the family head knelt on the ground.

"In just a single day, one of the strongest powers in the entire kingdom vanished. But do you think that I cared if it was not one of you three? The Moon Pavilion was gone in an instant. Do you think that the palace gave two F**ks? No. I don't care about some stupid Moon Pavilion. The sects other than the Tiandu sect, they only exist for themselves.