Violet Everheart Gardens

Violet Everheart Gardens

Liu Feng was standing in front of these forbidden grounds. They really lived up to their name. With violet flowers covering the entire distance in front of him, Liu Feng knew that traveling by ground was absolutely not an option. 

No one knew what existed beneath these violet flowers. It was said that everyone who stepped foot on the gardens were sucked into something, and would never come out. 

Liu Feng wasn't too afraid though. He wasn't some random kid who was wandering into this place. He was at the top of the world in power. 

But even he chose not to push fate. 

Cracking his knuckles, his mouth curled up into a devilish smile. Already in his head, he was envisioning the many ways that he would destroy the Gu Family. 

But he was also thinking about the possibility that the information that he received was not exactly true.