The Journalist Mei

"We were so cute back then. Two kids who just wanted to hang out and have fun, not a single care in the world." The man shifted, leaves that were blown to the ground were ruffled by his movement. The woman managed a chuckle then grew silent. She did not want to hear any more of what the man had to say so she pretended to be lost in thought. This did not stop the man from reminiscing out loud.

"I remember… you were so awkward talking to me up to high school." She said abruptly, the man smiled at her sudden response.

"You weren't exactly Ms. Confidence with me either. Sure, you were outgoing but you also had your moments." Both laughed for a brief second until the mood rescinded back into silence.

"Why do you always do this?" The woman slithered inwards, burying her face in her arms. Seconds of silence seemed like hours. The woman could not give herself to raise her head anymore.

"I wish we stayed like that." She muttered under her voice.

Years Earlier

"Ms. Ohara! Where is that article draft I asked to be on my desk at 9 am today, which was 2 hours ago!" The newspaper manager for the college shouted out because of how hectic and loud the entire room was. People were walking left and right holding printouts of newspapers, talking to each other, discussing potential headlines with local gossipers. One could almost assume that this university newspaper club was a real functioning newspaper business for an entire city.

"You don't need to shout! I'm right here! And I gave them to Sydney earlier, Ri– boss! Your room is locked and I have an interview with the Fine Arts Department head in an hour so I needed the prep time!" Mei was putting on makeup at a desk meters away from the manager's room. She applied just the right amount to perfectly go with the white polo topped with a yellow sundress and a purple ribbon outfit she had on. She had a backpack with pins of colorful characters, one of a certain orange-haired character from a famous mecha animated series. The bag itself contained equipment for note-taking and recording, alongside the massive camera she would sling around her neck. When she was finished with the rituals on her face, she put on black rubber shoes that could only be described as being in the middle of classy and casual.

"I don't know Mei, your shoes don't seem appropriate for interviews." Sydney, the manager's assistant who also manages the entire club herself when the boss is away, appeared over Mei's desk. Sydney brushed off her dark hair which had green accents from her glasses and managed to tie it in a ponytail despite how short it was.

"Syd, being a college journalist for four years has taught me several things," Mei said as she put on her socks with blue patterns on them.

"And one of those is that if you intend to get the best scoop around, you have to be light on your feet and be ready to chase the story out of people when necessary." She continued.

"Well you do have more experience than me in the field, and you have certainly gained a reputation around campus." Sydney glanced at the wall reserved for achievements earned by everyone in the club. Most of it was pictures of contests they had participated and won in, there were also trophies and medals awarded to the best of the best in all things journalism. Mei had her name and picture on most of these.

"Though, some might consider a reputation like yours to be a bad thing." Sydney was concerned.

"What makes you say that, Syd? Don't you think anyone would jump at a chance to be interviewed by a cute girl like me?" Mei busted out her signature smile with the classic hands tucked behind to emphasize her best features.

"That might work on 90% of the guys here, but everyone already knows about you. They'd sooner run away than ask for your number," added Sydney.

"That's what the shoes are for, Syd!" Mei answered.

"Hey, I'm concerned about you Mei. Keeping yourself busy is good and all, but the amount of attention you're getting is bound to lose you some friends." Sydney sat on Mei's desk as she started fixing her hair from the atrocity Mei had done earlier.

"Oh come on Syd, I'm doing this to help people, not ruin lives just to get my name up there. Besides, I have you don't I?" Mei made a googly-eyed face with puckered lips on Syd. Syd responded by 'accidentally' plucking out a piece of white hair from Mei's head.

"Oops, sorry. Did that hurt?" The two were staring at each other like sharp knives then ended up laughing at one another.

"Hey Mei, how's it going with your friend? You know, the fuzzy-haired guy with glasses?" asked Sydney.

"Oh, you mean Isaac? He says he's been too busy to hang out with me lately. The last time I saw him was months ago, and he's not the type of person to actively use his phone too." Mei twiddled her fingers while staring at the floor. Sydney noticed Mei's shift to an uncharacteristic side of her.

There was silence for a moment, Sydney tried to think of something to lighten the awkwardness she had created when suddenly, "Mei! The Fine Arts Department called, they said Professor Kira needs to head to a conference in an hour. He's available for an interview until then so you better hurry up!" The boss shouted from the door of his room.

"Yes sir Ikki sir!" Mei stood up and headed to the exit past the boss' office.

"I thought I told you to call me either Boss or Rikki" Rikki corrected Mei from his office.

"Sorry about that. Oh, and Sydney said that her professors canceled today so she could do with some more work." A bundle of paperwork that was on Mei's desk came flying towards her but she was already out the door.