No One Can Know

"Why exactly do you not want your family knowing?" Kira asked while settling into his plastic chair.

"It's just as I said. I'm grateful for the help so far but you don't have to feel any obligation to me anymore."

He was dumbfounded. He had overheard the doctors that came and went and sensed a tone of distress from their voices. Kira assumed that the situation was dire but Isaac's confident attitude only confused him.

"I told the doctors I didn't want to stay longer than I have already. If you really insist on helping, I could use a ride home!" Isaac said amusingly as he scratched the back of his head.

Kira was somehow relieved from Isaac's laid-back attitude.

"The nurse told me to pack a few clothes and other personal belongings you had. I went back and took what was lying around your unit in case you needed to stay for some time."

Isaac ruffled the contents of the bag. He checked his phone and saw multiple missed calls and messages from Mei. The messages started with her asking Isaac to join her in celebrating the finalization of her work to Mei getting concerned about how he was not responding.

"I contacted Ms. Ohara, told her everything was alright. Don't worry, I only told her that we talked about the upcoming competition for a time."

Isaac sighed in relief.

"If the matter is this serious, I advise you to at least talk to her about it."

"I plan to. Just… Not right now."

Isaac stared into his palms. Kira stood up and walked towards the door.

"I'll be at the waiting area when you're ready to leave. They have this vending machine that serves coffee better than anything the university sells."

Isaac chuckled.

"One of the nurses recognized you on our way here. She told me your mother was staying just a few floors above us. I won't force you to tell her if you don't want to but a visit might do you some good."

Kira exited the room. The room had noise-proof walls and windows but the noise from outside could still be heard. Isaac continued to fix his things and exchanged his clothes for newer ones. He messaged Mei that he was ok to which she instantly replied, expressing her relief and annoyance at Isaac's ignoring of her.


The light from her room was still on. Isaac had visited on most days every week ever since she was admitted to the hospital but seeing her hooked up to machines and the sound of them was something he never got used to. He quietly opened the door and found that she was asleep. Isaac set down sweaters and scarves he had prepared beforehand to give her for the incoming cold season then proceeded towards the exit.

"I know you're awake, you never were good at pretending."

"Shit." Ms. Aikawa said under her voice, her eyes still shut.

"I heard Mei's project was finished, and she said something about celebrating it. I wondered what you'd like because she'll be asking."

"Oh don't mind me. You lovebirds have the time of your lives."

"Are you sure? Their club's been known to throw the best parties."

"Tempting, but your father already planned on visiting for the next few days to keep me company."

"And us being in the same room is something you wouldn't want, right?"

"Not unless you two start to make up."

"Yeah, so I'll be telling Mei you're out then?"

They shared a laugh. Isaac noticed his mother looked weaker than when he last saw her but she gave off bright energy with her expression.

"You just worry about yourself. Can't have you being flustered the entire time."

"I'll try not to. And I'll be sure to tell you all about it."

"Oh, no need. Mei gave me her cell number so I can hear it all from her. UNCUT details and all."

Isaac shook his head and proceeded out the door. He rode the elevator down and met up with Kira. After signing a few forms, they went to the parking lot where the car was.

"I'll just… Lay down in the back. Please wake me up when we get there."

"Am I your chauffeur now?"

There was no response. Kira looked at the rearview mirror and saw that Isaac was out cold, lying in a questionable posture. He took his coat lying on the passenger seat and covered Isaac with it.

"Such a strange kid."


They arrived at Isaac's apartment. Kira woke Isaac up and the two walked up the stairs to his unit.

"You wanna tuck me into bed too?"

"If you pass out again I might just pretend you're sleeping this time."

They shared a low chuckle. Then, Isaac noticed that the lights from his unit were on. He was not expecting anyone. He approached the door cautiously and as he reached for the doorknob, the door slammed open, causing Isaac to fall to the ground.

"What took you so long?! The food's about to get cold and I can't finish all of this myself!"

There Mei stood wearing loose house clothes and shorts with her hair all laid down, utensils in hand.

"Mei?! What're you doing here?"

"What do you mean? I told you, WE'RE CELEBRATING!"