
"Denali, find out where she is now. And if she is present in her room here in the resort, I'll be heading there in a moment." Jack stated.

"Yes master." Denali nodded before taking her laptop from Jack. In a moment, she began typing at a high speed.

After about two minutes, she began watching the CCTV footage from the resort. The videos only contained the scenes of the corridor and not the room.

In any case, the video began playing backwards, to save them time. If she had left, she would get to know if she had left the room or not.

After a while, Denali found that she was still present in the room and informed Jack about it.

Jack nodded and left the room and decided to head to that room. But, the moment that he opened the door, he happened to see Celine who was just about to knock on the door.