There Are Two of You?

Brenda POV.

After leaving my mother's room, I left the family mansion. Although my mother had stated that I had to leave the matter to her, there was no way that I was going to do that. I could tell that all of this was started by me. It was just like a butterfly effect.

From the moment that I had decided to have my half brother Jack killed so that I could hide my mother's involvement in the death of his mother, he must have been taking action in the dark.

Of course it wasn't that I was sure about it before. Back then, I had simply thought that his words were a joke and that there was no way that he could find out that we wanted to kill him because we didn't want to have him knowing that we were involved in his mother's death.

It wasn't something simple once Jack knew about the cause of his mother's death. My father actually didn't know the reason of her death. And although he usually ignored her, he had always felt guilty about not marrying her.