Ineffective Pills

As chaos erupted in the Alfonso family, Jack was busy with something else. It had already been so long yet the body strengthening pills had yet to be produced. He was now getting impatient. After all, this was one part of his plans. If it was missing, then the private team that he had formed would be useless with the normal strength.

In other words, there would be nothing special about the private team. He wasn't ready to waste his time and resources in forming something ordinary.

He got out of his room and headed downstairs. He found that Johnathan and the girls were chatting about what was happening in the Alfonso family.

The girls had already known that Jack was from the Alfonso family. And now, they had also known that he was making them bankrupt.

When they saw him coming down, they greeted him enthusiastically. Then, Celine asked, "Jack, are you intending to make the Alfonso family bankrupt? Or are you going to make their lives even difficult?"