Eden Residential Building

Jack decided to ask Tracy if there was someone present in the company that could train people. He didn't want just muscles, skills were very important. So, the twenty still had to go and train their skills and how they were supposed to react in specific situations.

"Hello boss." Tracy responded.

"How are things on your side?" Jack asked.

"They are going well. By next week, the merging should be completed." Tracy replied.

"That's good. Anyway, is there anyone who is training the guards?" Jack inquired.

"Yes. There's one that was in the army before. After he got injured, he couldn't continue staying there and so, he decided to come and do something simple. He now trains the special guards that always take on the bodyguard duties." Tracy explained.

"Ok, I got it. Inform him that I would like to send people for him to train them. They should be trained in all means possible." Jack stated.