First Condition Fulfilled

[It seems that you don't know the definition of income. I'll define it for you. Income is anything that comes in. If you earn money from stealing or robbing, that's income. If you go around being beaten up before being paid, that's income.]

[In other words, as long as you do something and you get something else in return, that will be counted as income.]

[Of course, the system limits what income will be multiplied. If you steal from a person, that will not be multiplied. If you receive bribes, that will not be multiplied.]

[You have just received $1.6B from your mother. That's is the income from the inheritance that your mother left for you. Since it's not counted as illegal as nobody is going to suffer, it has been multiplied.]

Jack could clearly remember a these things due to the advantage of having the professional combat ability. He could even remember the tone that Angel used when it was saying all these.