I Should Add A Few More Shares?

Jack and Johnathan didn't know what Arthur was thinking at the moment. If they had known at the moment, they would surely have questioned what was going on in Arthur's father's head.

It was clear that not only was Arthur a person that didn't care about the position of the family head. Furthermore, he was an idiot. If this person was really given the chance to head the whole Jesda family, there was no doubt that the family might actually collapse in his hands.

Johnathan who was looking at Jack had no choice to give up. He knew all too well that what Jack had stated was the truth. Although the two of them had been mistaken for the other, it was true that it was Jack that had faced the most problems.

But, he wasn't going to say sorry. In his mind, he shrugged and said, 'I'm not the one that told you to look like me, am I?'

But, he didn't dare to say that out loud because he knew that another round of argument would start between the two of them.