

It was true that Jack had noticed that there were people inside the private room. But, he wasn't able to tell what they were doing inside there.

But still, he was greatly surprised by what he saw inside the private room. This was completely out of his expectations as this was something that he had forgotten about ever since his mother passed away.

Inside this private room, there were some of the people that Jack had already made an acquaintance with, as well as those that he was already well familiar with.

William and the troop from Inchoate city was surprisingly present. And that was not all. There was his aunt Anita and her husband Gregory, his cousin Johnathan, Katelyn and her husband, Wendy and even Angy.

But, what had surprised Jack the most was the fact that, Denali was also here. Before he headed for the entertainment company, she had requested to be free for the day and Jack had granted her the permission.