
"The two of you look alike! It must be you that we were looking for! I have hit a Jackpot this time. The Vice-Supreme leader is definitely going to reward me for this. I must take you back with me!" With his eyes shining, Erick shouted ecstatically.

At this moment, he had completely forgotten about the situation that Samantha was in. He didn't even take a second to think about how Samantha ended the way she was.

All that was in front of his eyes at the moment, was a glimmering treasure. He was already thinking about the rewards that he was going to be given when he went back to the stronghold.

As for dealing with Samantha, that was something that he didn't even think about. After all, he believed that he was better than Samantha. What's more, there wasn't any good reason for the two of them to fight.

"Young man, obediently come back with me, or you may make me use force to take you away." Erick stated arrogantly as he looked at Jack.