Set Up

"You think that I am talking about this matter? And looking at the expressions of everyone of you that is looking at me, I can tell that you also don't believe me. So, why don't you just ask your parents about the matter?" Luther said with a serious expression on his face.

"Luther, I know that you want to deal with Felix, but please, this is not the time to continue joking around. Can you just leave the matter aside for now, and deal with what we have to do?" A young lady spoke.

Luther frowned when he realized that there was nobody in the room that was supporting him on the matter. He was just about to continue speaking when James suddenly spoke.

"Luther, you have to know that whatever you have said has loopholes. You say that our parents are not allowed to inform us about the matter. And if that is the case, then, there has to be something that is used to know whether they are telling us or not." James said.