They Should Eat More Carrots

The moment that she came to this realization, she suddenly felt that the world that she was trapped in began shattering. And in the next moment, she opened her eyes, looking at the unfamiliar ceiling.

"Oh, you are awake?!" Celine who had just been looking at Samantha's face was surprised when she realized that Samantha had opened her eyes. Of course, she was excited.

Despite the fact that the bond between her and Samantha was not that deep, but, she still cared about Samantha. After all, they had spent a lot of time together, and Celine was not willing to lose a person that had shared a lot of things with her.

"What happened? Were you just talking about a mirage crystal?" Samantha asked as she sat up. She realized that she was currently inside a bedroom, and she was sleeping on top of a luxurious bed.