A Fool

A/N: For the power lecel below the superhuman level, I will be using ordinary. So, it will be 'the ordinary level'. As for the other humans that are not stronger, I will call them 'normal'.


"Hold up a little. I have not yet done my introduction." When the young man saw that Celine was about to leave, he spoke.

"It's not like I care about who you are. Just remember what I have said. This is going to be the first and the last time that I'm going to give you a warning. You better stay away from me unless you want to suffer." Celine responded without even turning around.

"Hehehe. You know, I already stated this several times. I'm not a person who is afraid of trouble. So, you have to be ready to be pestered by me unless you agree to become mine." The young man stated with a prideful smirk on his face.