You Can Pick a Single Item

"It seems that all of you came over here. Why don't you tell me how comes you are able to enter the stronghold? What kind of relationship do you have with the people of the stronghold?" It was the voice of a female, a voice that Jack and the rest of the group were familiar with.

Jack turned around and realized that the person that had talked to them was actually the lady that they had met during the time that they were at the mercenaries land.

She had spoken up for them during the time that a certain group of mercenaries wanted to attack them. For that reason, Jack had developed a good impression of her. It was just that, he had not expected that they were going to meet this soon.

Jack was just about to reply when Celine beat him to it. "Why do you care about how we were capable of entering the stronghold, or what kind of relationship we share with the stronghold? It is not as if it is something that concerns you, right?"