Bring Them Over

Jack had just ended the call when Celine approached him curiously. With an aggrieved expression on her face, she asked, "Have already gotten acquainted with people here that they have already began making calls to ask you out for a deal? Why don't you tell me what kind of deal it is?"

Jack could not help but look at Celine with a helpless expression on his face. He himself didn't understand why those guys would get his number, call him, only to advertise their products or services to him.

Anyway, he still responded as he knew that Celine was just playing around. "Just a meticulous deal that is going to be of great importance in the future. Too bad, I can get whatever deal it is that the are going to offer without giving them anything."

"Huh? You believe in your capabilities that much?" Celine asked as she leaned closer to Jack, reducing the gap that existed between the two of the to mere few inches.