Ready For the Integration

Jack looks not the entrance of the store, and realized that the person who had arrived was actually Sylvia. To say that would, he had not be expecting that Sylvia was going to come over right now.

After all, the condition that he had put forward was something that's not many people were going to agree to. That was unless they were in a desperate situation where they did not have any other choice but to agree.

After Sylvia entered the store, she did not pay much attention to the rest of the group here. Instead, she simply focused on Jack and asked, "Can we discuss right now?"

"Not really. I have already said whatever I have to say, so, I don't think that there is any need for a discussion to be continued unless you agree to the condition that I have stated. Additionally, I have something that I need to do, so, I don't think I have the time of holding a discussion." Jack shook his head as he responded.